Preparing Your House for Winter


A lot of people put all their projects on hold for the winter months, but it might be the best time to take on some of those inside projects you have been putting off for months. It is during these seasons that may very well be the best time to do some residential painting while you are preparing your house for winter. While planning your New Jersey interior painting project for this winter it is a good time to do a good winter efficiency check on the interior portions of your house.

It is a good idea to take a quick look for energy leaks. Before you start your winter interior painting project you can check around your windows and exterior doors. Look for signs of condensation or leakage around each of these openings. If you see that there is any air seeping in around your windows or from underneath the doors, replace all the weather stripping. You also want to caulk around any openings. Also check the door sweeps to make sure that they are sealing properly. These should all be corrected before beginning any interior painting.

This would also be a good time to request an energy audit by the electric or gas companies. They can let you know if you are losing any heat through baseboards that may be loose. They will also inspect heating ducts to make sure that they are sealed properly. And they will check the insulation in the attic. The insulation should be replaced before the winter gets too cold. It can keep you warmer and save some on your winter heating bills. Baseboards and vents will need to be repaired before beginning any interior house painting project.

Before the winter is here full force and you get put the call in to your New Jersey painting contractor you will want to inspect your furnace or fireplace. Cleaning out the fireplace to get rid of any residual soot or ashes is a good idea before a major project gets underway. You will also want to check the chimney and roofing to make sure there are no leaks that can increase your energy bills or ruin the new winter paint job.

These are just a few things that can be done that will help you prepare your house for winter while also preparing it for an interior painting project.

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