Top Paint Colors for 2012


There are many things that go into the decision of what color to paint a room. Even though colors reflect some of the common interior design trends, they also make a personal statement. By choosing the color scheme for a room’s décor the homeowner is sort of defining their own space. The color scheme of …

Interior Design for Men


Interior design is more than just decorating. It concentrates on creating high quality functional and a comfortable environment. And interesting enough, these are the three things that men most want out of a room’s interior design. To design a room or area of the home means lots of planning; every aspect should be considered from …

Interior Design for Women


There are several paint colors that have traditionally been considered to be feminine and therefore interior design specialists have stayed away from them opting for more gender neutral colors. However, there have been several color studies done over the years that indicate that some of these differences in color preference can be attributed to how …

Brighten Your Mood with a Brighter Room


One of the largest influencers on atmosphere is the paint colors used for the walls. This can impact a person’s mood as soon as they walk into a room. Cool blue colors can help calm a nervous person and reds or yellows can be very stimulating. Different paint colors can have an impact for good …

Interior Bedroom Design Trends for 2012


The bedroom is one of the most vital rooms in the home as it can provide an escape from the stresses and chaos of the rest of the world. There are some interesting trends in bedroom design for this year. Interior design is always undergoing changes and this includes the interior colors of paint, types …

Dining Room Décor


Each room in the house plays its own role depending mostly on where it is located and how it is used. Living rooms are used for entertaining guests, kitchens are used to prepare food, bedrooms are for resting and sleeping and the dining room is where we enjoy meals with friends and family. This room …

Best Home Office Paint Colors


Typically the home office is one of the most important areas for a home remodeling project. This is the area of the home which deserves much attention since it is central to the home’s finances. Choosing appropriate colors for interior painting in the office is of the utmost importance. The wall color should complement furnishings …

Best Bathroom Paint Colors


Although the bathroom is the smallest room in the house it is a very important space. Many say that using white for this interior painting project will make the room seem unfinished; and that you should use colors that make you feel comfortable and good while spending time in the room. You will want to …

Best Kitchen Paint Colors


Today’s kitchen design has changed much from the designs of the past. There are many colors that used to be taboo in the kitchen that are acceptable and pleasing in today’s NJ modern kitchen. There are several factors to consider when choosing the colors for an interior painting project for the kitchen. The best paint …

Best Living Room Paint Colors


Color is one of the most important decisions you will have to make when undertaking an interior painting project. Choosing the best color for living room painting will largely depend on your own tastes and the particular interior design of the living area. Perhaps the most important things for the homeowner are that it looks …