Getting Ready for Summer


Summer will be upon us before we know it. But before the spring has completely come and gone it is a very good idea to make some needed preparations for the heat of those summer months. There are several interior design and house painting projects that can be done to ensure the house is in tip top shape and ready to take on the hotter summer months. It is not always necessary to undertake a huge home remodeling project to get the house ready and livable for summer. Here are a few ideas on how to prepare your home for summer.

Spruce up the Kitchen

Before warmer weather arrives is a great time to get the kitchen ready for summer. It is likely that you will not be cooking quite as much after it begins to heat up outside and you will want to do everything possible to make the kitchen feel cooler. It makes this time of year the perfect time for an interior painting project. By painting the kitchen in lighter hues it can help the room feel a lot cooler. You can also replace all the kitchen linens with lighter colors. Using lighter colors in the kitchen area can help it feel much cooler during the warmer months of the year.

Window Treatments

Spring is typically the time of year when we turn our thinking to redecorating our homes inside and out. Many participate in spring cleaning rituals and redecorate to prepare for the lively summer months. Changing out or installing draperies and curtains can be very complementary of the lighter summer interior design. Hanging lighter colors can help reflect the sun’s heat away from the house and keep the inside at a more comfortable temperature. Not to mention help save on summer utility bills. During the times when the sun is bearing down on a particular room be sure to close the shades, blinds or curtains. East facing rooms will need to have curtains drawn in the morning and west facing windows will need to be drawn in the afternoons. Using white or light colored window treatments can help the room feel cooler.

Installing Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans come in a wide variety of styles and colors so that it is easy to find one that matches any interior décor. Even the minimalist décor can be complimented by a simple white ceiling fan appropriately placed. Hang the ceiling fan before completing the interior painting project and it can also be used to help the paint dry a little faster. Ceiling fans will help circulate cooled air and help a room feel 5 or 6 degrees cooler. Not only can they be a complimentary accessory to the room’s décor but they can help reduce high summer cooling bills. A ceiling fan will not consume much energy but can make a big difference in how much cooler a room feels. Make sure that ceiling fans are directed for summer cooling. When the fan is on you should be able to feel the air being blown downward.


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