Retro Living Room Ideas


An interior design which gives a retro look to the living room can have several elements. Posters, furniture, wallpaper, big clocks and antiques that were “cool” pieces in the 60’s or 70’s can make a wonderful impression. Retro designs will be kind of a mix between vintage, contemporary and maybe a little bit of futuristic design elements thrown in.

You can use what you already have. Posters or albums make great pieces to decorate the walls with. Shelves can line the walls holding older books and knick knacks from previous eras. The trick is going to come in when you start choosing the colors for interior painting. You will want just the right hues to complement your memorabilia and make a stark statement.

There were a lot of colors that were “in” during years gone by that work wonderful for a modern, yet retro living area design. Your Morristown interior painting specialist can help you narrow down the color choices based on your taste and the desired decorating goal. Some of the colors that work well with the retro living room interior design are turquoise, mustard yellow, blues and apple red. Black and white is a very workable combination when trying to achieve the retro look. And of course if you are aiming for the 70s you may want to consider some sort of brown and orange or rust combinations.

These colors will be displayed in the carpet, on the walls and pretty much everywhere else you can think of. You will want your interior painting scheme to match the memorabilia, furnishings or setting of the room. All of the elements should work together to create a retro interior design, and the wall color is simply part of the whole.

One of the most interesting things about the 70s look is that you may find all of these colors or any strange combination of them all in a single piece. It was the tie-dyed generation and there were no rules! This actually makes it easier for the interior design project. You can use just about any piece, but you can use almost any color to complement it.

But you can also choose to use a variety of retro furniture and then accent them with bright, multi-colored pillows or throw rugs. Actually, when you are designing a retro living room you can use a wide variety of shapes, colors and textures to get a unique feel of the era. Interior painting designs can be used to complement and accent such retro patterns and designs. Talk to your Northern New Jersey interior painting professional about more interior painting color ideas.

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