Period Appropriate Paints


For years and years historians thought that most of the homes that were considered historic, were painted with serious and subdued colors. But, overtime, it’s been proven that this isn’t necessarily true. In fact, a lot of the time when homes are scraped to get paint samples, people are seeing that the original colors were …

Best Paint for The Bathroom


When it comes to your bathroom, there are an array of colors and styles to choose from. But, unlike the other rooms in your home, a bathroom will need specific paint because of the atmosphere surrounding it. While a kitchen or living room can use any type of paint, a bathroom, which tends to be …

Interior Design Trends in Summer


One of the biggest color trends for summer is the use of white. White is a quintessential summer color, and you can incorporate it into your home in many different ways. Bedding, furniture, walls, curtains, household items, carpeting, and flowers are all options to bring the color white into your home. You can add anything …

Home Design for the World Traveler


Are you someone who likes to travel internationally? There are many different interior design styles that are compatible with the world traveler’s taste. While there are exotic styles that can fill this decorating need, it does not necessarily mean that it is the only option from which you can choose. Whatever your traveling preference, it …

Paint Your Living Room Purple


Most of us do not decorate our homes by simply buying random items in the store that we like and then try to find the right place to put them in our home. This can yield a sort of crazy hodge-podge mixture that would not look right. For the most part, we decide what type …

Top Interior Design Trends for 2012


Just like we try to keep up with the latest designs in fashion, we should attempt to keep up with what’s trending in interior design. Whether you are getting the home ready for resale, or just want to enjoy it for years to come, it is important to find the right colors for interior painting …

Interior Design for Men


Interior design is more than just decorating. It concentrates on creating high quality functional and a comfortable environment. And interesting enough, these are the three things that men most want out of a room’s interior design. To design a room or area of the home means lots of planning; every aspect should be considered from …

Wallpaper Design in 2012


One of the least expensive ways to completely change the look and feel of a room is to add some wallpaper. There are many different colors, patterns and textures available to choose to incorporate into the room’s interior design. Wallpaper can be used to add depth, personality and dimension to the area. To begin with …

Interior Design for Women


There are several paint colors that have traditionally been considered to be feminine and therefore interior design specialists have stayed away from them opting for more gender neutral colors. However, there have been several color studies done over the years that indicate that some of these differences in color preference can be attributed to how …