Feng Shui and Paint Colors


Feng shui is a historical idea that is thousands of years old. Earliest records place it during the Chinese Tang Dynasty. Feng shui is all about creating and maintaining vital energy flow in the home. Good or positive fung shui is said to result in good luck, while negative fung shui results in misfortune. It …

Top Accent Colors for the Bathroom


The bathroom is one of the easiest places to incorporate color in the home  If it’s time to give your bathroom a makeover, one of the simplest ways to brighten it up is to give the walls a fresh coat of paint. Since many bathrooms are fairly small, you likely won’t have to spend more …

Top Accent Colors for the Kitchen


Painting is the most inexpensive way to freshen and update your kitchen.  Painting a kitchen accent wall can be an easy week-end project.  If you are “old school”, you probably painted each wall the same color the first time you painted this room. A different color accent wall will both add a new visual interest …

Trends in Accent Colors


Adding an accent wall is a trend that has been around for a while.  It’s a fashion statement that can come into style quickly and leave quietly.  Right now, they are very stylish and here to stay.  Accent colors truly give a room personality.  These colors are often used to draw attention to specific architecture …

Painting Your Home Theater


There are many different elements that make up the interior design of a home theater. Homeowners must consider the lighting, sound, and arrangement of furnishings as well as the various pieces of equipment that will bring them hours of entertainment value. Most do not think about the paint that needs to be used in this …

Getting Ready for Summer


Summer will be upon us before we know it. But before the spring has completely come and gone it is a very good idea to make some needed preparations for the heat of those summer months. There are several interior design and house painting projects that can be done to ensure the house is in …

Decorating with Decals


Wall decals can be a very inexpensive way to decorate without undertaking a huge home remodeling project. Even though interior painting is one of the least expensive ways to achieve a makeover for a room, decals can often have nearly the same effect at much less expense. Decals come in a wide variety of colors …

How Often Should I Paint My Home?


The interior paint in some areas of the house can take a real beating. Children’s bedrooms, kitchens and hallways can suffer from all the traffic that is in these areas. Other rooms such as the living room do not have as much traffic so they will not need to be repainted as often. Homes with …

Painting Your Nursery


Getting the nursery ready for the arrival of a new baby can be a very exciting experience for the entire family. You want to create the perfect environment to welcome the new member of the family. There are many elements that come together to create the interior design of the nursery. Some parents choose a …